The vision
We help the Hispanic community to Grow in Jesus Christ, in this sense our objectives consist of:
conference messages

We have a series of neuralgic topics to motivate your most significant value: "YOUR PEOPLE" in the direction of aligning with the strategies of your organization, we have the most powerful tools in the leadership market to increase the motivation and capabilities of your teams of work from the construction trench to the upper echelons of your organization
Equipment to form GDI

The best way for your organization to build a strong and focused leadership is by spending time in short, high-impact, motivational talks. These are coffee moments where we offer short experiential learning topics that touch on the whole life.
Train Leaders in spheres of Influence

We guide and help leaders to achieve their area of influence, when a person works from their power of influence, their ability to give the best of themselves in the organization increases, in this sense their quality of life increases and their competitive relationship improves and competition
literature development

Our books with relevant topics have the potential to put potential leaders on the road and bring out the best in each person as long as they commit to their system of philosophical values, we are in full development of the Lider 4x4 series, we hope in the The coming months and years will focus our writing power around relevant literature to bless people and organizations.
personal development post

We have developed personal development post for more than 10 years and we hope to continue improving this area, organize it and enhance it to the extent that we learn the technologies available for this purpose.
New ideas

we are constantly developing ideas that may be relevant today, which we test and adapt for continuous improvement.